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Heart Vascular and Leg Center -  - Vascular Specialist

Heart Vascular and Leg Center

Vascular Specialists & Cardiologists located in Bakersfield, CA

Thanks to the advent of telehealth, it’s possible to receive diagnosis and treatment of heart and vascular issues from the comfort of your own home. At Heart Vascular and Leg Center in Bakersfield, California, board-certified cardiologist Vinod Kumar, MD, FACC, and his team offer telehealth appointments, saving their patients time and energy. To schedule yours, call the office or book a consultation online today.

Telehealth Q & A

What is telehealth?

Telehealth is a branch of medicine that uses modern technologies like smartphones, tablets, computers, and web cameras to exchange medical information in a secure, private online environment. 

Telehealth services first became available more than 40 years ago using closed-circuit television. Over the last decade, these services grew in popularity, thanks to improved internet access and other wireless technologies. 

What are the benefits of telehealth?

Telehealth presents a variety of advantages over traditional, in-office appointments. It allows you to meet with a qualified cardiologist from the comfort of your own home. It saves you the hassle of fighting traffic, sitting in a waiting room, or potentially exposing yourself to others who are sick.

Additionally, telehealth makes it possible for busy professionals, parents with children at home, or people who care for elderly or disabled loved ones to receive medical treatment, without needing additional arrangements. If you live in a rural area, telehealth also presents an opportunity to meet with specialists you might not have access to otherwise.

What services can telehealth provide?

Telehealth is incredibly versatile. Even though you don’t visit Heart Vascular and Leg Center in person, the team can:

  • Diagnose vascular, leg, or heart issues
  • Develop custom treatment plans
  • Review the results of vascular tests or diagnostic imaging
  • Monitor your treatment progress
  • Answer questions or concerns

If necessary, the team can use a telehealth appointment to refer you to a specialist in the area for additional testing or customized care.

What happens during a telehealth appointment?

No two telehealth appointments are exactly alike. The format of each consultation depends on your personal health history and goals. 

Usually, a telehealth appointment begins with a discussion of your symptoms and lifestyle.  During this part of the consultation, make sure you’re open and honest. Let your provider know if you smoke or drink alcohol if you eat a balanced diet, and whether or not you exercise regularly. 

You should also let your provider know about any prescription medications, vitamins, or nutritional supplements that you take.  

After gathering this information, your provider asks you a series of questions. They might have you point your smartphone, tablet, or web camera to the areas of concern, like a leg ulcer, slow-healing wound, or clusters of varicose veins.

If your appointment is to discuss vascular tests or diagnostic imaging results, your provider shares the images with you digitally and explains them in detail. Most telehealth consultations run 45-60 minutes.

To learn more about the benefits of telehealth, schedule an appointment at Heart Vascular and Leg Center. Call the office or book a consultation online today.